Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The other day I was in Costco, doing my shopping, thinking my thoughts.  At the checkout line the clerk asked me if some item was mine and I said, "Yes ma'am."  My reply was met by total silence.  I looked up to see what was wrong and realized  that the clerk was a large black man.  All of the men in my family are tall, so when I say large, I mean he really was very big.  And apparently not amused.  So I smiled (in what I thought was a sweet manner) and said, "Oh, you probably don't get that mistake very often."  He glared at me and said, "Never."  The rest of the items were scanned without discussion.  The fact that he was so annoyed, even after I admitted my mistake, made me think that the whole thing was that much funnier.  I tried to look serious as I left, but there may have been a shadow of a smirk.  I think the only reason I was allowed to live was that I'm a plump little old lady.  Do you realize how much fun I can have now that I've reached this point in my life.  I can say freaking anything.  Not that I wasn't already.

It really wasn't his fault.  He was standing around being as manly as possible while wearing an apron.  The problem is that when I'm thinking my thoughts, I pretty much don't recognize anyone.  And if what I'm doing doesn't require concentration, I usually wander away in my mind.  I have a brother who thinks it's really funny to keep walking by me in airports until I recognize him.  Sometimes he has to walk by a lot.  It has made me kind of paranoid when I go to airports now.  I try really hard to focus on who I am picking up and hoping I can remember what they look like. The anxiety disappears as soon as I see the person and they look the same as usual.  So if I ignore you, please realize that I ignore everyone.

Now I just need to figure out where the second nearest Costco is.

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