Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Best Exotic Long Beach

A couple of days ago I went to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Click here to see the trailer.  I think I can safely say that I have never been to a movie with so many old people in the audience.  At the end, the woman sitting next to me said, "It makes you think of old age in a whole new way."  She obviously had never met my parents.  Some of their best, most exciting and sometimes dangerous adventures happened in their old age.

My mother's final adventure happened when we packed up and moved back to the old country.  We ended up in the same city that she had run away to (well... okay, her sister and her mother ran with her) when she was a young woman.  We had come back to the best exotic Long Beach.  We really couldn't have made a better move for my mother.  She was absolutely delighted to be here.

Here are some photos from my walk this morning to illustrate why we're so fond of this place.  All of the photos were taken within very easy walking distance of our house.

There are actually three Buddhist monasteries within walking distance of our house.  It is not unusual for us to see monks out for a stroll.  This is the closest monastery to us.

This is the front door and the photo below is one of the paintings on the sidewalk out front.

Check it out... it's an artichoke.  I understand that they are a member of the thistle family.

This is the only one that wasn't taken this morning but it's a very good example of why you really shouldn't listen to Auntie Helen.  This photo is a result of me telling our good friend David that it was okay to get closer to a pelican so I could get a good shot.  I actually have no idea what happens when you invade a pelican's personal space.  Luckily it turned out okay.  It does put a different spin on all the advice my Aunt Denese used to give me.  Now I realize that she was just chuckling inside the whole time.

There are always lots of flowers in bloom in our neighborhood.  Right now the scent of jasmine is so strong that it almost makes you lightheaded.  (Neither of these are photos of jasmine.)

And of course, one of the most important people in our neighborhood is Lee...

Lee is the proprietress of Henry's Market on the corner of Loma and 3rd.  She sells lottery tickets and I'm pretty sure that she is going to sell the next big one.  It's very lucky to buy tickets there.  It's lucky to just know Lee.  She's a very nice lady from Cambodia and she keeps track of all of our families and how we are doing.  So the next time you are in the best exotic Long Beach, you should drop by and try your luck.

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