Monday, February 25, 2013

Rising Sea Levels

Here's a cool link to play with.  It has a map that shows how high flood levels will possibly rise, depending on where you live.  There's a little slider on the left side, so you can see how high the flood surges would go based on the rate that sea levels are rising.

So here, for example, is where the surge levels would be for the year 2020 in my neighborhood:

Now, here we go in 2100:

Don't worry, we still live in the white bits.  However, a lot of people live in the flood bits.  I know some people who are about 15 years older than I am, who live in the underwater bits.  I asked them how they feel about it and they said that they don't care, because they will be dead.  I think this is a strange answer.

I don't have grandchildren yet, but my siblings do.  My parents both lived into their 80's (dad is still adding age, and he's up to 87 now).  Chances are that some of those kids I know will indeed be around (well, hopefully not in this particular neighborhood) when the waters take back the coasts.

Ironically, one of the places between here and Seal Beach is a little island called Venice.  Will it become a city on water?  Are the houses built for that?  There are a lot of houses in this particular zone.  Will people just abandon them and move farther inland?  What does that mean on a practical level?  Or will the whole country want the Army Corps of Engineers to build levees?  It will be curious to see how it plays out.

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