Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Outrageous Shoes

Yesterday was one of those not so great days for me.  I won't bore you with all the details, but I will tell you that it culminated with me suffering food poisoning in the bathroom of Nordstroms at the Grove.  Luckily I was with Kate, who managed to get me home.  Part of that managing was getting a Nordstrom employee to get a wheelchair and wheel me out to valet parking so she could pick me up.  While we were waiting for Kate to go get the car we hung out in the shoe department where it was warm.  I had just been very very sick in the bathroom and had spent a fair length of time on the cold tile floor, so I was shivering.  So this unlucky worker who had to deal with me and I sat looking at shoes for awhile.  Expensive shoes are pretty outrageous.  Platforms are a ridiculous height right now.

I asked the worker if she had ever tried any on.  She had and admitted that they were more comfortable than they look, thanks to the platform.  I hope she has better things to spend her money on than shoes she couldn't possibly walk in.

Here's the kind of thing I think of when I see shoes you shouldn't walk in:

The Chinese aristocracy was an excellent example of foot torture.  They thought it looked beautiful.  I think it's very similar to hobbling.  

So Kate calls and I get pushed out to the valet station.  It's a couple of minutes before she pulls up.  There is a man in a coat and hat who obviously manages the valet station.  A woman laden with Nordstorm's bags comes semi-limping up to get her car.  She knows the mans name and they exchange pleasantries.  Then she makes what I think of as an inexcusable faux pax: she starts to whine at him about how exhausted she is from shopping.  She says that her feet are killing her.  He points out that she could've worn flats.  She looks at her seven inch heels and concedes that she could have chosen a slightly less high shoe.  What?  You self torture and then have the nerve to complain to a man who has been standing in the cold all day (okay, it's LA but it's cold for us) working a job that can't possibly pay enough for him to afford a woman like you.

Now, I understand that there are people who have to maintain a certain image, but it might be better if they were more concerned about their servants.

Don't get me any Pradas, I would definitely break my ankles, even if I managed to not break my neck.

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