Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Usually I don't make resolutions.  My family likes to make predictions instead.  Then we put them in a drawer and see how bad we did at the end of the year.  Make no mistake... my family is terrible at predictions.  Actually, we're totally amusing in our prediction making, just none of them ever come true.  We're mostly alright about that.

This year I am making a bold resolution.  I'm just going to play.  If you want me to do anything this year, you are going to have to do it in a way that I think it's a game, or I'm not going to play.

The world didn't end in 2012, we didn't fall off the fiscal cliff (yet), and a giant asteroid doesn't seem to be aimed for the earth (at least this week).  Nothing worthy of stopping messing around and enjoying life happened, and based on that, I'm pretty sure that the world will work just fine if I just kick back and relax.

So if you want to come over for Scrabble or Mah Jongg or Risk or Monopoly, drop by.  I'm sure a pick up game can be arranged.

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