Monday, June 18, 2012

Egypt's Revolution

How about that Egyptian revolution?  Okay, it didn't work out exactly like the revolutionaries hoped it would.  They got rid of Mubarak, but now the military has just rearranged itself.  The LA Times this morning says it looks like Egypt will have a "shadow democracy".  It kind of sounds like a reality TV show, the people get to pick the winner, but the military will run business as usual.  Kind of like American Idol.  At least they get to vote on something.  Not that it matters.

Let's look at the long hot summer that follows the Arab Spring.  Things aren't so great in Egypt.  Things aren't so great in Libya.  It looks like things turned out okay for the Tunisians.  Syria is a disaster, but they aren't done yet.  They might never be done for all we know.  The problem is that we don't know.  We don't know what's best for everyone else in the world.  Revolutions are exciting, but they don't always solve the problems that created the need for revolution.

Please think about what comes next before you revolt, or before you support a revolution.  I'm not saying that things didn't need to change in the countries mentioned above, I'm just saying that people should plan ahead a little better before they start killing each other.

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